Friday, March 23, 2007

Knock, Knock

Just spent the other night drunk in a pub telling bad was great.

Q: What's red and invisible?
A: No strawberries

Q: What do you get if you cross a sheep, kangaroo and a bag of cement?
A: A woolly jumper

But what about the cement?

It just makes it harder!

Q: Why did the Elephant paint his balls red?
A: So he could hide in the cherry tree.

Q: What's the loudest noise in the Jungle?
A: A Giraffe eating cherries.

Two televisons got married. The wedding was boring bur the reception was great.

Q: What do you call a female Chinese postal worker?
A: Mai-ling

Q: What's round and bad-tempered?
A: A Vicious circle

Just some of the crap I have to put up with on a night out! I love it!