Here's a nice pic from my parents garden. They have a covered area of patio with some wall/hanging baskets of plastic flowers (and yes they have been mistakenly watered by family members looking after the place during holidays - not me I hasten to add). Anyway a couple of Robin Red Breasts have taken up residence there and this is their second clutch of the year; we think there are three little uns there at the moment. I tell you one thing though the amount these little fluffy feathered fellas eat is amazing as both parents are nonstop back and forth from dawn till dusk. They don't seem bothered too much by humans either, we've had barbeques in the back with lights on, people sat round eating and drinking well into the evening. All the robins seem to do is kick up a bit of a fuss if you stand in their usual flight path to the nest, but as soon as you take a step or seat out of the way they just carry on ferrying grubs to the nest.