Non-Election News
As you may or may not know, we Brits are caught in the vice like grip of the last week of election fever..............not! I sometimes think we should take a step in the American direction and have some Las Vegas style rallies, maybe some tag-team wresting events featuring Teflon Tony/John "Bulldog" Prescott vs Michael "The Assassin" Howard/Oliver "Ripper" Letwin vs Charles "The Wolf" Kennedy/The Shadow(*not sure if there is anyone else in the party). Look at the success of the likes of Reagan or even Arnie Shwarzenhowdyouspellitneigarruhruhruh... then again what dynamic actors would we promote into politics Hugh Grant? Not much better, really. So what do we get "the BattleBus" and Seb Coe (middle distance runner). No wonder so many aren't interested in politics here.
However some news that did catch my eye today was the incident involving The Fall Guy.
I'm just amazed! What speed do you have to be doing to fire a BMW (carrying 3 passengers), across a lawn, through a fence, signpost, small tree then hit a regular kerb to launch yourself into the first floor of a house. I'm also surprised they haven't found the third guy who ran off, hint he'll look a bit like Lee Majors!