Well what a night have I just had. I've never known anything like it! I'm not too sure what to put down here as I don't want to hurt anyones feelings and I'm not here to bitch about anyone (so names maybe changed to protect the innocent), I just want to get some bits off my chest and ask the big question "Why do people do this to each other?" So I apologies now if this gets a bit heartfelt and awkward for some to read.
I went across to see some very good friends, for a nice night in discussing their forthcoming wedding in a fortnights time. The evening started off very well, with an extremely enthusiastic welcome from all there (granted they'd all been drinking earlier in the day). A look at some of the dresses purchased earlier that day and a couple of goes on the superslide - this is awesome, it consists of sitting on the inflatable airbed and going down the stairs into the wall at the bottom, which makes you bounce up! Pretty cool fun, then again it's the simple things that please me.
Anyway back to the meat. I've known both him and her for an equally longtime and I consider them both to be some of my closest and dearest friends (I love both you guys to bits). Infact I was to be bestman at their wedding (I hope they don't mind me saying this but I feel I could of been bestman to either of them - they've both been there for me on many occasions. They've both cheered me up no end when I've been down (they may not know this, but they have on many times when I've needed some company etc). God why am I writing this? Blah Blah Blah.... To cut a long story short, one hell of an argument insued after a supposed friendly game of dilema type questions ie Would you rather blah blah or blah blah. Discuss! To which somethings were said that were very cutting and hence for the full blown arguments (of which I will not go into detail as some of it seemed pretty spiteful, some petty but emotions and drinks were running high and hence everyone's opinions where right, even though there was no definite right or wrong answer) . I get the feeling alot of things have been on the simmer for a while and it all came to the boil last night and this was just the catalyst. I was trying to keep a low profile in the whole bombardment of accusations, name calling etc but I did feel a little pressured to takes sides (which I don't really want to do and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable). Sorry, I know I was there but I hold no grudge towards anyone there last night. Yes I can see certain points from all sides but I will not be made to choose between friends. As far as I am concerned when it comes down to it, it really has nothing to do with me, except that I am a friend to you all and will listen to all your sides. So it now is at the stage were the wedding is off and people are holding some big grudges towards each other. I do so hope this clears up and we all get on in the future, yes granted the wedding may be off (this may be for the best who knows), but can we take a leaf out of the kids book that were present last night and learn to forgive and forget, as they seemed to of done this morning - they probably could teach us alot of things!
So that's my piece, yes pretty heartfelt and of no interest to anyone really. I hope things work out amicably. I know what it's like to lose someone you love dearly and hold as a bestfriend, it will always hurt, so I don't want to lose anymore like this. Maybe I should write this down and send this to you all, or the web address as none of you know about this blog/diary (maybe not in the circumstance of what happened with diaries [private matter which I won't discuss further here]). I hope I've made my position clear as mud, I know it probably could be interpreted in a thousand ways! Finally just to reiterate I'm always here as friend to you all. Enough. The matter is now hopefully closed.