Meme thingamajiggies
Meme - basically I can't be arsed with. I don't even know how you pronounce it, is it 'me-me' or 'mem'
Ok I know they are great for finding a little bit about a person, and can inspire a bit of a blog entry from the most uninspired blogger (I am the king of lacklustre) - so great. But and it's a big one, it leads to having to read the same entry for 59 different people (blogs of which you wouldn't really interest you in the first place), just to see 1) if anyone has the same thoughts as you. 2) then if someone has put down the same as you may want a change it.
Also I never know when I've been memed as I don't religiously read a lot of blogs, then I hate the guilty feeling of not of blogged immediately. Ok I can't handle the pressure involved, the expectations and let downs. Aaaargh!
Then again I don't have a blogcircle of friends so I wouldn't have anyone to send it on to! Now that is kinda cool or sad - I'm not sure yet.
It's the same as those e-mails you get that insist that if you don't pass it on you'll have umpteen years bad luck, never find love/have sex (you choose), grow extremely long nasal hair etc. I just won't partake on principle! Stubborn me? No, I just can't be arsed!